Sunday, December 28, 2008


The ticket said we had to be at the dock at 4:30am to board, so we got up at 5 and ambled off. Had a bizarre cab driver who told us how sad he was Sarah Palin didn't get voted in and then gave us handfuls of mini bananas from a pile in the the trunk.

The ticket office we needed to go to to pick up our e-tickets didn't even open until 6, so we got to stand around while tiny children stared up at us with their mouths open swatting bugs and watching tiny bats flutter around our heads. The ferry itself is exactly like a budget cruise. A very very budget cruise. We had a tv, but only 3 fuzzy channels (sounds from next door suggested that might have been our own problem), there was an internet cafe onboard, which was a room full of empty desks, and a store that sold hats says "SuperFerry!" on them. I was tempted by those hats. I wonder if anyone here gets why white people think the name Superferry is so comical.

Most of the people onboard slept in large rooms in the middle of the ferry full of bunkbeds. We got the stateroom because we are princesses, and it cost about the same as the only other option available at the time (room with four beds). It wasn't that stately, the tap wouldn't stop running and there was a lot of dirt and hair on piled in the corners. We slept poorly because I can't lie still now without thinking of all the tiny bugs feasting on me so I kept turning lights on and bumping into Derek.

Cebu seems much calmer and friendlier then Manila already, and my bites have all faded away. Our reservation to Coral Cay was confirmed and things are looking up.

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