Thursday, December 4, 2008


We're in Singapore now. We have had some trouble finding wi-fi and haven't been able to update for a while so the blog is a bit behind, but Singapore has free wi-fi throughout the city. And the food is awesome. And everyone is really nice, everytime we got lost some stranger would appear and tell us what to do. But the beer is like ten dollars a pint. I don't care though. I'm still going to move here.

We're sitting in a hostel/pub called Prince of Wales listening to music and nursing our pricey drinks. It's apparently a festival weekend so we had some trouble finding a room after our red-eye flight and ended up going to a more expensive hotel ($75 singaporean dollars), but it was worth it as since the room has no windows we could sleep during the day and I could not get sick and die.

Post about India coming soon, we spent a day in Chennai, it was lovely. Derek is impatient with my internet use.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Sucks about India!

Not sure if you tried this place (and it may be quite full), but I stayed here. I think it was about 20 SGD and its just down the road from the Prince of Wales (this is the one in little India?). Really nice, friendly folks. I liked it quite a bit... and beer was cheap if thats your thing.

Keep it real and a pleasant word to your mothers.