Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

We are spending Christmas in Manila, which we hadn't wanted to, but trying to book planes or ferries out of Manila wasn't possible until the 28th. So we are here for 6 days. Manila is not a place you need to spend 6 days in. Maybe 2 at the most. It's dirty and covered in naked street children. Derek had this thought that we should spend Christmas in a country that actually celebrates it, which seems like a good idea until execution, because everything is CLOSED. We will spending tomorrow in our hostel room watching Nickelodeon and drinking 50 cent rum.

New Years will be spent at a resort on a small Island covered in white sands so hopefully that will make up for this.

Also I got eaten by bedbugs right before we left KK and I just need to whine about that for a bit. I can't even count the bites I have so many, and until I found some antihistamines I was very whiny indeed. I expected this to happen at some point in our travels, but I don't understand why I'm overdosing on antihistamines and Derek doesn't appear to have a single bite on him. His sympathy is zero. I should probably go back to glaring at him.

We'll try to skype people tomorrow if we can find a working wifi connection, hope all is less itchy on your end.

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