Saturday, December 27, 2008

Leaving Manila

We haven't been able to find a decent internet connection, so I apologize for not e-mailing/skyping people.

We have to get up at 4am tomorrow to catch our ferry ride to Cebu, it's an overnight so we'll be on it for a while. I imagine it'll be like a cruise, only without the delicious buffet or anything to do. I'm just glad to be leaving Manila. Derek says not to write a negative post about the place, but it's impossible not to. Our laundry was held inside a closed down laundro-mat for 4 days when we were supposed to be able to pick it up the next day. I've been wearing the same outfit the entire time. My feet itch. There's really not much to do here, which all the guidebooks warned us about. People are pushy about taking our money and trying to rip us off. It's funny when you step out of a cab and another one starts hollering at you asking if you need a cab, but when the fruit stand charges you three times as much and then makes sure to give you all the rotten fruit, it's somewhat grating. I think the last straw is how someone will say "Merry Christmas" and when you turn to say it back they are giving you a real hateful grin. And that happens a lot. Apparently a bunch of white people stormed through Manila before we got here and pissed in everyone's cornflakes. Bah.

I won't be coming back.

The food was really good though.

1 comment:

inyourface said...

also, the cable tv is fantastic.