Saturday, November 29, 2008

terrorists are dicks

so looks like mumbai is off (to the relief of family members, of course). as much as i still really want to go to india, reading the term "mounting tensions between these nuclear powers" this morning really hit it home that it could be a bad idea.

the new plan: singapore, malaysia, indonesia, philippines?

on a lighter note, we took an all-nighter from pumakkale to istanbul, and got stuck in the last row of seats which don´t really recline. i was sandwiched between erin and a turkish man (whom my inner monologue refers to as chippy, because he offered me chips that i didn´t really want until i accepted). quite literally. one head on each shoulder. and chıppy´s hand touchıng my leg; the bus vibrations making it feel like he was rubbıng my leg. chippy awoke a little later and turned away a little embarassed. i pretended to sleep. 6 hours later, we have no idea how to get downtown from the bus terminal. chippy jumps in, leading us for 15 minutes to the metro station where he buys both erin and i subway tokens, refuses to accept payment and then disappears. shoutouts to chippy!

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