Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We're in Goreme now, staying at the Shoe String Hostel. The rooms are dug out of the side of a "fairy chimney". (wiki article) Derek informs me that the room is just a cave, not a fairy chimney. Whatever.

It's the off season so it's pretty empty around, it's mainly a tourist town. There's a reason for it too, it's COLD. Pat's co-worker lent me her spare coat and without it I would be very whiny, so both Derek and I thank her.

I had an awesome dinner last night, meat kebab cooked inside a clay pot that you have to break open with a small hammer before eating it. There are broken pots lining some of the streets. I wouldn't be surprised if that was a tourist thing and no one here ever cooked like that.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

im reading this everymorning with my breakfast. i love it, thanks for posting,keep writing.

love you two