Saturday, November 29, 2008


We're about to head out to see the calcium falls (wiki article), and my camera is dead. Dead dead dead. I haven't been able to find a converter or a spare battery anywhere and it's driving me crazy. It was bad enough that it was dead in the ruins of Olympus, but this! Auuhg.

When we got off the bus last night and were heading out to catch our minibus into town, a man ran up and helped us out, he also saved us two seats on the very crowded minibus. Of course he had a relative who runs a hostel (everyone has a relative who runs a hostel) and so he gave us their pamphlet and we went on our way. When we got off in Pamukkale his cousin was waiting for us. I think we really lucked out, it's off season and it doesn't look like most of the hostels are open, and it was pitch black when we got here at 6pm. They cooked us one of the best meals I've had in Turkey and had a laptop charger someone had left behind so we could charge up Gulliver (the mini we brought with us) and free wi-fi!

Unfortunately the rooms weren't heated and Derek has stubbornly refused to buy warm pj's. I don't know if he slept at all. Thankfully our room did have hot water. It's funny backpacking, you stumble into a hostel that has a hairdryer attatched to the wall and it's like staying in a palace.

Currently the new plan is to fly into Chennai instead of Mumbai, we've been looking up tickets. It'll cost a bit, but it's worth it not to worry or cause fretting relatives to yank our their hair. There's an older man from New Delhi staying in the hostel here with us who is all pfft, don't worry about it. I'm sad we won't get to hang out with Shivani who's going to be in Mumbai in December, but if that's the most harm this has caused us I can't complain. We're going to have to keep an eye on how the governments handles the situation, I'm hoping they take the stand that they won't let a few assholes cause a greater rift and not "pull a Bush", but there are so many layers of history behind all this that I don't understand so who knows.

1 comment:

scotty2naughty said...

Go old fashioned and buy some film camera. Like disposables!