Wednesday, November 26, 2008

mount doom?

wow do i miss the internet.

we've been in a bit of a technological vortex since leaving istanbul. generous host pat was able to provide an adaptor for erin's laptop, so we were able to keep it charged there. in our stupour on the way to the bus station we forgot to pick up a turkey-north american plug converter. so we've been rationing its charge, since the town we're in doesn't sell such things. which makes a certain amount of sense, since smart travelers would have bought a converter before leaving home. i, however, am anything but smart.

anyway, we're in cappadocia, staying in a sleepy little town called goreme. judging by the number of hostels and bars, i think this is a pretty hopping place when it's warm. this is definitely the off-season, though. most places are closed. we were the only ones staying in our guesthouse (in a cave!). and there isn't much to do at night. except freeeeze (in a cave!).

also i think i found every evil mastermind's secret fortress. will post photos later.

heading south in a few hours to olympos, which should be warmer. also, we get to live in trees instead of caves (for rills!). fair trade, methinks. the goal is to hike up mount olympos (part way), where natural gas seeping from the mountain causes little blue angels to pop up everywhere. w00t!

off to drop some nyquil (i'm getting a stupid cold from the stupid cold) for our 10 hour bus ride.


Spoilt Victorian Child said...

Are capitalization and third-person references the only way we are to tell who is writing these entries??

scotty2naughty said...

I am now following your adventures YAY!

ps. what did you buy me

evernon said...

We bought you a small turkish child. And by bought I mean stole. Also, you will have to share with Joel. This sounds a lot creepier than I meant it to.

scotty2naughty said...

Let's hope this calms Joel's urges to snatch Chinatown babies. ;)

inyourface said...

you might want to hedge your bets with that chinatown baby... erin´s backpack isn´t that well ventilated.