Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cyber cafe ın Goreme

We're wasting our time in a cyber cafe in Goreme waiting for our bus. 10 hour night buses are nice in theory, you do all your traveling when you wouldn't be doing anything anyways, and you don't have to pay for a place to sleep, but the reality is you barely sleep, the five year old behind you snores like an obese 80 year old, they don't have washrooms, and the old babushka ladies are mean old harpies. And AND the buses here stop every two hours and turn the lights on and yell at you to straighten your seat. It's like they secretly hate me and my wild unmasked hair. Also we kind of smell. Bringing only two shirts was a poorly thought out decision.

Today we checked out the underground city of Derinkuyu. (wiki article) It's a labyrinth of tunnels and room with eight levels going down 85 meters carved out of the ground tuff rock (it's called tuff rock, I'm not that lame with the spelling mistakes) in 7-8th century BC. It was amazing. I can't believe I didn't know it existed until now. It felt like I was in an Indiana Jones movie with all these interconnecting tunnels and winding stairs. Definitly one of the coolest thing's I've ever seen.

We also spent some time climbing around old Byzantine church ruins carved into the mountainside, which was also all types of awesome. Unfortunely neither of us can remember what it was called. There were maybe 30 or so rooms we could climb through all joined by paths and tunnels and openings broken in by erosion. They'd carved pilars in some rooms and in a few you could see bits of the paintings on the walls and ceilings still. Canada is so lame.

There's a kid behind me leaning on my chair and he keeps bumbing me with his elbow. I am undecided whether he is doing it on purpose or not.


Spoilt Victorian Child said...

"Bringing only two shirts was a poorly thought out decision."

But really Derek, how does this differ from your norm? You should be used to it and smell-free.

Mouki said...

I like this line: "the five year old behind you snores like an obese 80 year old"

I'm glad your adventures are going well! :)

evernon said...

This was me Joel. I'm a little insulted you thought I was the one who can't find the shift key.

Kristy Eng said...

this is by far the best post so far...loved hearing aobut it, hopefully you got some shots...i never knew about it, so i goodled and wiki'd now im researching it...sounds very interesting!!!