Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I love Edinburgh. It's becoming really popular as a tourist destination apparently, I hope all the visitors don't ruin what is so good about it. One thing I'm really sensitive about now, after so much travelling, is how you are treated by the locals. If there are a lot of tourists, people get sick of it. I can't fault anyone for that, so now I try to go to places no one wants to go to. It turns out that places people avoid aren't necessarily the poor travel choices, if anything it's the really popular places that suck. Colombia was amazing, and no one goes there. The occasional kidnapping might have something to do with that.

We stayed at a small B&B a 30 minute walk from the downtown area. There are about a billion festivals going on all at the same time and it was the only one I could find that had space for us. It was nice enough, but we had to share a bathroom with 8 other people, and that never works. On the plus side, their logo was a tyrannosaurus holding a heart, so that kind of evened things out. Plus after all that uphill walking and trekking up four flights of stairs to get anywhere, we are vaguely less out of shape!

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