Friday, April 10, 2009


Off again, sitting the airport waiting for my flight to Chile. They have free wifi at Pearson now! We've finally caught up to every international airport in Asia! But there are no plug-ins anywhere, because that would be too obvious.

I haven't been writing in here because I'm a horrible person, but also because I found this 3D program that exports flash files, and so who needs you anymore. I really do still intend to write a few things, especially about Mumbai when we visited the neighborhood I spent a year of my childhood in. Also, the pillow menu. And Korea was amazing.


I already miss the ability to drink the tap water and I haven't even left yet. I am so judging people who buy bottled water in TO now, the tap water here is amazing. It's almost sweet tasting. Also it's not brown and won't give you the runs, you can't improve on that people!

1 comment:

Mouki said...

I love your TO tap water statement. Well said. I am also a tap water fan. It's a-okay in Vancouver, too!