Sunday, April 19, 2009


So, Dad is something of a power tourist, and I've had a lot less downtime then during my four month aimless wanderings, which is mostly a good thing, but did mean whenever I had spare time it was used for napping. I'm heading home today, and then I leave on the 25th for Bogota, back in Toronto on May 26th. Considering Dad will be working during that month, and I can't wander too aimlessly by myself around the FARQ, events will be more commonly updated.

I'm fairly certain my readers currently consist of Mouki and Joel right now anyway (hi guys).

One things I've been really impressed at in South America is how NOT creepy the men are. I think India has scarred me for life, but seriously, people here are very kind and, well, not creepy. I've always kind of agreed that people could stand to be more modest in western culture, that no one needs string bikinis, but now I'm not so sure. In cultures where women cover up, the men deserve to be beaten. They aren't covering up out of modesty, it's honest fear of molestation. But in cultures where suntanning nude in the middle of a downtown park is normal, the scent of wannabe rapists is gone. We NEED skanks! It's a real light bulb moment for me.


klucas said...

I creep on you here too :)

epicsauce: said...

lol. we need skanks.