Thursday, April 30, 2009

Colombian Fruit

One of the depressing things about living in Canada is our fruit selection. We can only get the types of fruit that travel well, which usually means they have to be able to ripen after being picked (which destroys most of the flavour, and nutrition content) and they can't bruise easily. So one of the first things I wanted to do here was go to the grocery store and grab one of every fruit I didn't recognize. Turns out there are quite a few.

Pitaya (link) Also known as Dragon Fruit.
You can get these in Toronto, in Chinatown, but they are a different variety, bright pink with green tips. The yellow ones are better, they actually have flavour, and are very juicy with fewer, larger black seeds. They have a mild fruity sweet taste.

Tamarillo (link)
These are gross. The skin and area near the skin are bitter and inedible, which doesn't take long to figure out. The insides aren't as bad, kind of musky. I think this falls under ingredient fruit.

Passionfruit (link)
I always assumed passionfruit would be pink and delicious. It is neither! It's a fruit the same way a lemon is a fruit, you don't eat them. Very bitter and tart. Why the hell it's called passionfruit I have no idea. It should be called Mucas Lemon.

Curuba (or Banana Passionfruit) (link)
These taste exactly like passionfruit, but instead of having a hard round shiny shell, they are like a furry soft cucumber. Still gross.

Uchuva (link)
These are trendy in Montreal right now, you get one with it's brown leaf thing still attached when you order pastries. Here you can buy a pint of them for a few dollars, and they are very juicy and sweet. They call them snake berries.

Granadilla (link)
These are the best thing ever. When I started cutting it the shell just broke apart, it's very brittle, and the insides fell out ready to be eaten. It looks like frog spawn, the seeds are crunchy like pumpkin seeds and it's very sweet and fruity.

Guava (link)
I'm always annoyed when you get guava flavoured drinks, because they NEVER taste like guava. Guava juice should taste like you should be chewing it, which is a sensation you will only understand if you have had fresh guava juice. We had guava in Asia and it was dry and flavourless, it's much better here.

Lulo (link)
It tastes like a kiwi!

And thus concludes fruit round up one. There are still some I need to find and try, and also there are some crazy looking vegetables that I have never seen before.

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