Wednesday, February 25, 2009

India Doggies

I swore I would avoid all animals in India, due to the alarming amount of rabies (go read about rabies. It's terrifying. Like some made-up sci-fi disease, you go insane before you die), but the dogs in India, woo, it's hard. This is one major untapped resource, the dogs here are awesome. If any of them were in a kennel in Toronto they'd be adopted the same day. They're all the right size, they're pretty, they're really well behaved because they get the shit beat out of them if they do anything wrong. One fat little black and white dog thought I was going to give her some food and so desperately wanted to jump up on me, but just pressed her nose against my thigh and did a silly little doggy dance instead.

On the beaches there are tons of puppies being carted around like babies by young hippie children, all hand-fed and wearing homemade collars. I can just imagine the scene when it's time to go home. Not surprisingly all the dogs love you and will sit by your feet and follow you everywhere.

At the train station on the way out we met the worlds smartest dog, he came up behind me when I was sitting on a bench so I patted him on the head and turned around, so he walks in front and starts rubbing his head against the bottom of my foot and then rests his chin on my knee. No one taught him any doggie parlour tricks, he just figured out the best way to sucker white tourists. We named him Plato.

I can only imagine the red tape it would be to get a street dog into Canada, but I'm starting to think it could potentially be worth the hassle. It's the new postcard, mangy doggies!


Spoilt Victorian Child said...

The girl at Ideal fell in love with a dog while in Cuba and brought him back. It was apparently hell. But worth it.

evernon said...

I would love to hear that story.