Monday, February 23, 2009

I am having fun, I swear

I was taking to Mom over skype last night and apparently the blog makes it sound like I am all surly and upset, so clearing the air, I am having a good time. We're heading to Munnar to wander around tea plantations and find some spice farms. There are some nice people here, and men holding hands will never stop being awesome. Especially when it's two cops holding batons with their other hands.

I think I'm just a bit disappointed in how things have changed in India, I wasn't expecting it to be exactly like it was when we lived here, but also wasn't prepared for the difference. For example, Mom doesn't remember any touts or people trying to sell you junk while touring Rajasthan in 86. It is the only thing I remember from touring Rajasthan in 09. It would be another thing if there were good changes as well, but there's still heavy corruption, no sanitation, all of that, and they've just added more people, more traffic, and the tourists have made everyone surly and expecting money. It's that 'Lonely Planet' effect, where as soon as it's written down that a place is good, it instantly becomes not good. As usual, I blame everybody else. Though I think the german guy who was completely wasted at 10 in the morning, burning a pile of his clothes and garbage in front of the restaurant while trying to start fights with the locals, completely deserves my scorn.

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