Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A Beach!

We're on a beach! I'm blanking on the name of the beach, we're just south of Goa. The beaches of Goa, or should I say A beach in Goa, because I only bothered to check out one beach, was gross and sucky. They were burning a pile of plastic right on the sand, the food sucked, lots of drunk pasty white people wearing no clothes and driving scooters into ditches. I took a look around and told Derek we should leave. I think we've been at this enough to know that if a place sucks you can pick up and try somewhere else. He thought we should at least give it some effort, but I was all TTHPTTH and went back to the cottage and slept it out.

This beach is much nicer. I'm not sure when we'll leave, it is so nice. The water is murky, but the waves are awesome, and the food is good. Lots of cows and fat puppies and nice hippies. We're staying in a hut on the sand that has no real floor so there is sand in everything we own. The shower is less of a shower and more of a bucket of water behind a wall.

We've been wandering around a bit and getting knocked over by waves. Derek is especially good at get tumbled about. I look over and all I can see is a foot and part of an elbow. I mainly excell at having my clothes ripped off. Managed to get my top back on before anyone saw, completely not noticing that my shorts had come undone. Hello India!

There's a festival in town in a few days that might be fun, hopefully some photos soon.

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