Friday, November 14, 2008


We made it to Oxford ok. There was perhaps some concern when the ticket booth system said every bus to Oxford from Gatwick was sold out, but it ended up being a glitch as there was exactly three of us on the 9:15 bus. They have seatbelts on the buses here and you have to wear them, which means you can't pass out over several empty seats because it's 4am your time. Not a fan.

We wandered around town and checked out the different campuses and a really impressive antique print shop, and I got chased down a path by a mob of hungry geese.

My brother Matt has been amassing a large selection of Scotch whisky and has formed an unofficial whisky club in the dorms. People knock on is door in the evening and come in for a drink and eventually the room fills up. Derek is of the opinion it tastes like rubbing alcohol. So am I actually, but I like it. The Bruichladdich is actually buttery. Painful burning butter.


Spoilt Victorian Child said...

An alcoholic before he's even an actual lawyer! Matt always was ambitious.

Unknown said...

Did they win? The scotch is just for your cold, right Matthew?