Friday, November 28, 2008


We haven't made any decisions about landing in Mumbai on Dec 2nd, but we will probably switch our tickets. I don't know if we will land somewhere else in India or skip over it entirely until things are more clear. The whole thing makes me feel sick.

Derek has come down with a bad cold and we appear to be stuck in a small village with no access to bus routes out. The sign that says "we sell bus tickets" is apparently a fabrication of my mind.

For those confused about who is posting (hi Joel), it says at the bottom of the entry who made the post, I am evernon and Derek is inyourface (clearly).


Spoilt Victorian Child said...

Yeah, plz to be skipping Mumbai cuz i want you back in one piece (two max.)

Mouki said...

I'm glad to hear that,too. I was reading a newspaper yesterday and got really worried about you guys. I hope Derek feels better quickly. Take care you two!

Lizzouse said...

I'm glad you guys are changing your plans. You can always go back to Mumbai in a month or so.

Lizzouse said...

ps, I don't know why my google profile is Elizabeth, I should change that.

have fun you guys,

Love, Liz