Friday, May 8, 2009

Traffic lights and roses

So in Bogota the traffic lights are set directly in front of the line of cars, not across the street. This means that if you drive too close to the line, you can't see the lights, but also if I am standing on the meridian trying to cross, I can not see any of the lights. This is why it is important for people to travel, so that perhaps they'll know THEY ARE DOING IT WRONG.

One fun past time here is to tell the locals how much roses cost back home, which is always met with a WHA!? You can get a large beautiful bouquet from the kid walking around the cars parked at the light for 5 bucks, in any colour roses grow in. Almost all of the worlds roses come from Bogota, at least the ones we get in Canada are grown here. We drove past the greenhouses last sunday on the way to the salt mine. I feel I need to stock up on flower related happiness while I'm here, though I have no idea what I'll do with them. I guess the one pot Dad has is kind of like a vase.

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