Friday, January 23, 2009

India is brought to you by the letter Arg.

Well, he hasn't tried to sell us any gem stones, but I suspect that is because we asked him not to. He appears to be getting mad at us for not wanting to go any of his lame and overpriced hotels and restaurants (and thus not giving him a kickback), and I'm tempted to tell him to take our giant wad of money and shove it up his nose and go home. We realized shortly after that we didn't even want to rent a car, let alone get ripped off for one. This will be funny one day. Today was not that day.

We saw several butt naked holy men walking down the road. I didn't take any photos, seemed innappropriate. So the women here have to be all covered up, but the men can fling their wrinkly selves any which way. Seems unfair.

At all the tollbooths there are oxpeckers that jump onto the vechiles and start pecking off all the dead bugs and edible debris. I find it utterly adorable.

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