Friday, January 16, 2009

Diving off Sabang Beach

Derek got better just in time to get one last dive in. We went off Sabang beach. It was alright, the current was pretty strong and visibility wasn't too hot, but I saw a couple nudibranches, and I love me some nudibranches.

They are the world's most beautiful slugs.


Clownfish are everywhere. If there's a patch of anemones, there's usually a clownfish. We've seen a lot of nemo style ones, a few black and orange ones, little black ones with white spots. This photo was taken pretty deep, he's probably quite pretty in the light.

Giant fish! I can't remember what they are. I only saw the one, but when I cleaned the photo up you can see a bunch in the back. It's hard to tell how big things are in the water, since everything gets magnified, he looked like a meter across.

These things are everywhere. Usually they are empty, but once one has a red porcupine fish sleeping in the middle, so now I always have to check.

I wanted to get more detailed photos of fish, but the current was really strong and I couldn't hold still long enough. Also the buggers keep moving.

Lil' starfish. We also saw a large mantis shrimp, but none of the photos turned out. He was very pretty, all metallic greens.

Unfortunately the dive ended early when we had to swim over a large rock, as soon as I got over it my mask filled with water and I started floating up. I couldn't get Derek's attention, and since he was below me his bubbles were hitting my face, I got really disoriented. The divemaster tried to reach me, but his watch started beeping telling him he was going up to fast. It was all too much going on and I ended up floating to the top while trying to clear my mask. It's not the worst thing in the world, but I hurt my ear a bit by surfacing too quickly, and I think the german guy with us was pissed that the dive got aborted so fast. Considering he's the reason I didn't get a photo of the mantis shrimp, bumping me out of the way and chasing it off with his own camera, you can suck it german man.

Diving is hard.

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