Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Dad and I went to Medellin for the weekend, and right at the end, 3 hours from the airport, his gallbladder tried to kill him. When we got back to Bogota Giovanni drove us to the hospital and they said it would have to be removed. The surgery was yesterday, and he was discharged today, everything went fine. I'm really impressed by the doctors here, and they all speak fluent English, which is surprising since finding english speakers here is as common as it was in South Korea. I spent two nights sleeping on the couch in his room, the nurses brought me sheets, a blanket and a pillow and made a bed up for me. There was also a large flat screen TV with cable, and there are usually about 3 english movies on at any time in Bogota, so it wasn't too painful an experience. For me anyway.

Also it turns out to be the same hospital I was born in, and Raphael helped to track down where my records might be kept. All part of my hairbrained attempt to renew my citizenship, so I can get searched on my flights. Colombians need a visa to go anywhere. We don't realize how good we have it as Canadians.

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