Tuesday, April 28, 2009


If it wasn't for all the press and warnings you would have no idea that Bogota was once considered a most dangerous destination. There are the occasional army personal holding a machine gun standing around (on that note, is jungle camo really appropriate for an urban area? Not exactly blending into the skyscraper there.), but there were more of them in Paris and no one raised an eyebrow when I went there. Not to say it's as safe as Toronto, kidnappings still happen and there are still plenty of guerrillas in gum boots hiding where they can, but life goes on downtown.

When I was boarding the plane, right after having my ticket and passport checked, I turned the corner and there were 8 armed police officers checking identification and asking for reasons why one would be going to Colombia. They waved me past, I don't know if they were looking for anyone in particular, but the plane that was fully booked when I checked in was half full. I've never dealt with that kind of security before, it was kind of ominous.

On the way to Dad's apartment we drove past the building I was born in, maybe. Dad's not sure and like hell I'd remember. I left when i was 6 months old.

One thing that surprised me: they have the exact same voltage and outlets that we have in Canada. That certainly makes things easier, electronic wise.

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