Saturday, January 10, 2009


I found an ad for the Coral Cay Resort on the web before we got to the Philippines and decided we should spend some time there and relax. It was sort of random, we didn't even know where it was, but the photos looked good so we went. I'm really glad we did, even though what I really wanted to do was play in the ocean and the ocean around Siquijor sucks. The beach is white sand, yes, but a foot into the water it turns into mud and then it's about 3 or 4 feet deep all the way out and covered in seaweed. It looks like this:

We borrowed a kayak and rowed out to the small floating raft you could see from shore and all you could see in the water was seaweed and a million fat starfish. When we rowed over to a private beach to check it out, halfway there I looked down and the ground was covered in spiky black sea urchins. With big spikes. And the water was 4 feet deep. Capsizing would have been a phenomenal disaster. It was like being in a Mario game.

On the way back, with much whining and complaining because I have pathetic t-rex like forearms, a school of small fish tried to escape us by jumping out of the water. Oh dumb little fish. The only other thing on the beach was crabs, big blue ones and an infinite number of hermit crabs, most very very tiny. We finally discovered what all the holes on the beach were caused by when a large blue crab ran out of one and chased us yelping away before it dove into the ocean.

New Years was a big improvement over Christmas, we had a buffet with an entire roasted pig and singers and fireworks on the beach. Even though it started pouring, it's hard to be worse then Christmas in Manila. One of the fireworks shot into the resort, but sadly just fizzled out.

Outside of the resort, the island is very quiet and people are very nice. I met a Belgian after who was heading to it and she told me that all the locals kept warning her not to go, that it's too dangerous. It's very well known for it's voodoo and witchcraft apparently. She asked if they could cast spells on her if she white and they thought about it and decided probably not, so she'd be okay.

Renting the motorbike and driving around the island was awesome and if you are ever in the area you have to do that. We got a cheap rental from Marlon who runs the restaurant down the street from Coral Cay. We ate there quite a bit, the food was good and significantly cheaper then in the resort (though the resort did have whole wheat bread, which we had honestly thought didn't exist in the Philippines). At our last dinner there a translucent pink gecko fell off the ceiling and missed my soup by an inch, but managed to hold onto the large beetle in its mouth.

That fat dog was very cute, and very fat. There are two type of dogs on Siquijor, fat ones and skeletal ones. All the cats in the Philippines are terrified of people, which makes me sad. I guess they aren't considered pets so much here. Cows, goats, and chickens are everywhere.

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